Video: Maya is a dancing Christmas Tree

As promised, here is the priceless video of Maya as a dancing Christmas Tree (among other classic songs).  What you can’t see:  her teachers *actively* dancing out the steps so the kids are reminded what to do; the fact that probably 13 of the kids are  standing still and not singing at all; the seven stores I went to during the holidays, with my opinionated 3.5 year old, so that my child would not be wearing a toddler-sized prom dress (yet I had to wrestle this onto her cute little self).

I feel that there’s no better place to include this bit about the blogger’s spouse:  he holds onto a belief that he has perfect pitch.  He is totally convinced.  When I said, oh, Maya has my musical sensability (not thinking this was a big debate), Mustafa busted out with disbelief, because he has “perfect pitch.”  I was like–I think we’re confused about terms, because I’m married to someone who is tone deaf.  I think it is more likely, frankly, that he would pitch a perfect game in World Series.  He still thinks I am mean, and goes about his “perfect” singing, wondering why mirrors and windows keep *coincidentally* breaking all around as he saunters by.

Anyway, digression aside, our little Maya loves to sing and dance. She even taught Hana.