Maya is all grown up

Maya had a big day today. First, she spent about 45 minutes at her new preschool, just trying it out, and of course, she loved it. Very exciting!

During rest time (nap time remains theoretical), Maya orchestrated what sounded like an elaborate play involving all of her puppies on the bed. Boof was the central character.

Maya also had her 3 year old checkup, and was chatting everyone up. She brought some of her plastic medical equipment along, just in case the doctor forgot his. She was very concerned about Hana crying during the vaccination portion of the afternoon (Maya didn’t get shots this time).

By the numbers: 36 pounds (90th percentile), 38 34 inches tall (80-85th percentile). Jumbo. Maya also had her blood pressure taken for the first time, and she was a great helper. It was totally normal.