Maya is three, easy to please

Maya turned three yesterday, and she was pretty excited. I asked her how old she is, and she shouted “THREE!” I asked her how old boof is and she shouted “TWO!” New information.

Maya got lots of presents, but was mainly interested in putting stickers on all of them, and dragging Hana into her new circus tent. She also performed a medical exam on boof with her new flashlight that was surprisingly thorough.

We went to the zoo with gams, grandpa and Susy, and Maya was thrilled. We got to see the baby giraffe (which Maya kind of noticed), and more importantly, rode the train through the zoo and rode the roller coaster TWICE.

Back at gams’ house (after a brief crisis in the car solved by cheddar bunnies), we ate Maya’s requested “mac and cheese from the closet” (boxed mac and cheese–classy) and got 3 balloons, 2 of which immediately popped. But Maya didn’t care.

Maya also got mini-cupcakes and we learned that Maya does not like frosting, just cake. Which works out well, because gams will happily just eat frosting.

Maya was very excited by her VERY OWN glider chair with ottoman. So excited that she took up an old man pose with her hands in the pockets of her stylish velour pants. She also couldn’t get enough of Susy’s party hat, which she eventually broke (of course).

Then (I know, could it get better?), Maya went to a children’s bookstore with gams and the blogger and got some new books. She LOVED it. On the drive home, in between counting tunnels, Maya announced she was happy. Which kind of sums up our Maya at age 3.