Maya and Hana are obsessed

Recently, Maya and Hana have focused their sibling rivalry on the child-sized armchair. It is quite stylish, and Maya believes that it is the perfect size for a 2.5 year old + and abused stuffed dog. Hana believes it is the perfect size for a plump 1-year old who likes to vigorously bounce on it. Both like to push the other off, and are only interested in the chair when the other is seated there. Maya will make entirely insincere efforts to have Hana sit with her, offering Hana 2 inches of space (when Hana is quite rotund and requires much more room) and then looks at me like, “Aren’t I the best child ever?”

Hana just pushes Maya off with new-found force.

The first picture is pretty cute, but I am reasonably sure Maya was actually trying to either push or pull Hana. I can’t remember which. It was a power struggle of some kind. You can tell Maya was being insincere because she is sporting her insincere smile. Though she is sincere about helping Hana get her paci. Maya doesn’t joke around about pacis. She knows they are super important.