And so it begins

Yesterday, my parents and I took Maya to see the harvest festival at the local gardening store in Lafayette. She was sort of into to the chickens. She was very into the pumpkins, and selected an odd white pumpkin for herself. In fact, despite my suggestions of traditional (and not creepy) orange pumpkins, the only pumpkins Maya wanted to lift were white. Just so you know, she is very strong, and does not need help.

Anyway, there were lots of Halloween decorations, including all kinds of hats, so we tried them on with gusto. Maya was really, really into the princess hat. Gams and I were about to give in (despite the Mustaf-splosion that would occur), but grandpa intervened and Maya totally lost interest, preferring puffy spiders instead.

But the whole incident reminds me that Maya is definitely getting her own little ideas about what she likes (weird pumpkins, pink hats), and it isn’t what we expect. What I expect is a near constant soundtrack of BINGO.