Yay, Ibi!

While it may appear that Ibi, our nephew, is a stereotypical brooding teenager with a lot on his adolescent mind…

… it turns out that Ibi is also a burgeoning academic prodigy! He arrived back in Pakistan just a day ago, and after setting up his newly acquired PlayStation Move equipment through the haze of jet lag (thus re-affirming his carefully cultivated slacker status), he dropped by his high school (which is also my alma mater) to pick up his results for his O-level examinations. (For those not in the know, these British examinations, taken after the 11th grade, are the single-most important factor in determining your appeal to undergraduate schools in the United States.) His results, I can proudly say, are a tour de force, and are a testament to his dedication, hard work, and high-quality Jamil genes. :)

Congratulations to you, Ibi! Keep up the hard work, ace those SATs too, and you’ll be opening a fat acceptance letter from before you know it. And a job well done to you as well, Amna, in helping Ibi through this last year. It’s been a long and hard road for both of you.