Night Night, Maya

The kids generally aren’t allowed in our room, so they both get VERY excited when they get to come in for a (supervised) visit. Our room is the default repository for all the $#)* that we’ve deemed somehow unsafe for babies and toddlers, and isn’t otherwise particularly childproofed, other than the bathroom, of course.

Anyway, Maya FREAKS OUT with excitement, because she likes to do a little fake bedtime routine. She climbs onto my side of the bed, insists on turning out the lights, gets under the covers, and says “night night mommy/daddy” and closes her eyes with her fingers. She’ll stay like that for quite awhile (though not sleeping). This weekend she stayed lounging in bed for a long time while Hana was napping, Mustafa was computing/supervising/taking pictures, and I was (guess what) doing laundry. Wild times.