Hana + Mommy = love

We went to the Bay Area Discovery Museum at Fort Baker in Sausalito last weekend with Valorie, Matt, and Lucas, and it was SO fun! I transported Hana in a baby carrier (which I forgot, but of course Valorie had an extra in her car, because she is…well, Valorie), and she LOVED it. The museum is a toddler fantasy land, and Maya and Lucas went totally nuts. As did Mustafa, taking photos.

The blogger is a huge fan of her tiniest friend Hana. Right now, Hana is sobbing her brains out as we (belatedly) sleep train her. It is majorly yucky. The blogger’s spouse is coping by being a huge b-head; Maya is coping by abandoning her evil behavior of the day and actually piping down for the evening (knock on wood); Lola is coping by curling up on my feet; I am coping by looking at photos and having a HUGE glass of wine.