Maya plays the drum, is an undisclosed size

Maya received some cool presents for her birthday, and of course she immediately chose to make the loudest noises possible with them. She insisted that I join the Maya Marching Band, and play the cymbals. I’m pretty talented, but not as great as Maya.

Maya had her two-year checkup today at the pediatrician, and since I had both jury duty and work, Mustafa took her. You would think that he could manage to write down her height/weight for my carefully-kept records, but no. Instead he came away with tons of things that “we” (read: the blogger) need to work on, eating-veggies-wise (more) and drinking-milk-wise (less). And lots of parenting/sleeping advice that Mustafa is (unsuccessfully) selling as his own.

Lesson learned. Another parenting best attended to by the blogger.