Maya knows how to climb

Now, this picture is from our zoo visit a few weeks ago, and granted, it would have been worse had she climbed into the tiger exhibit or whatever this is. But, on Thursday night, Maya catapulted herself out of her crib at about midnight, landing with a huge THUD, followed by loud screaming (no injuries). We tried to sleep in her big-kid bed after that, but she was mainly interested in reading Green Eggs and Ham a thousand times and trying to escape to play with Lola (at 2 a.m.). So, I spent most of Friday searching out new sleep options.

After auditioning Lucas’ toddler bed for a few nights (she’d been napping on it for a few months), we purchased Maya her own toddler bed, and she’s been sleeping on it for three whole nights. There is a little wandering after the bedtime routine, and a fair amount of chattering and singing, and door opening (no wandering outside her room–there’s yet another baby gate), but she is doing really well. A big girl. SIGH.

Note: Maya’s father wanted to keep her in the crib and put pillows on the floor, because she would “learn” not to climb out. But how does a child learn with a concussion? Or a painful broken arm? Or while mourning the absence of their father, cruelly taken away by the cops for child endangerment in a dramatic arrest scene, to be aired later on “COPS: Fremont”? Inquiring minds want to know…but luckily (for everyone) the blogger had a better plan.