Maya can ROAR like a tiger

I’ve finally got my act together, and have some pictures of Maya the tiger from Halloween. Mustafa was still in Pakistan, so we went trick-or-treating in Lafayette with my parents, who were super (duper) excited to be part of the event. My mom held Maya’s hand the whole time, and we went to their long-time neighbors’ house. Maya knocked on the door and took a small Snickers bar, and then gave it back. Hana and I went home after one house (it was cold), but my mom and dad took Maya to the prime trick-or-treating area down the hill, where she roared and gathered more candy.

The last picture is of Maya riding her blue dog with Susy. Susy likes to sing the Lone Ranger theme song while Maya smiles and rocks with increasing speed, and at the end, Maya throws herself on the floor in a dramatic death scene, giggling. It happens over and over again, with increased dog-riding velocity.

A costume note: Maya was particularly seasonal this year, as she wore Giants colors, and the Giants are, of course, world champions. Maya saw most of the games, because the blogger is that kind of awesome parent.