Hana is a week old; Maya is starting to get it

Our Hana is one week old today! She’s plumping up quite nicely, loves to sleep, and is a great cuddler on the glider. We could not be happier.

Maya has realized that Hana is here to stay. She realized it the last two nights at bedtime, 9:30-10:30, midnight, and a 5 a.m. wake-up call. In a very loud voice. It is hard to know whether we should go in her room and reassure her, or be consistent with our prior bedtime policy of letting her cry and comfort herself. We let her cry last night (with one visit from me), and I got up with her early this morning, but am drawing a pretty tough line with the daytime tantrums. Which, of course, only happen with mom and dad. This too will pass (my parenting mantra)…