Fourth of July at Norma's!

On Fourth of July, we went to my aunt Linda’s sister Norma’s house in Orange for a BBQ/pool party. It was a blast! Maya saw the pool, and her cousins, and pretty much freaked out with excitement. She got into her new swimsuit (Maggie has the same one, but sadly wasn’t wearing it) and got right in, which encouraged Noah to do the same thing. They splashed around awhile together and played with the more advanced Maggie and Jenni as well. Maya also had lots of hot dog, hamburger, potato salad and cake–she was one plump, happy baby.

Blogger Note: I am showing *great* restraint by not posting an awesome picture of Jenni doing an Olympics-worthy dive (which she immediately regretted).

Maya could not believe her eyes when, OUT OF NOWHERE, Gramma and Grandpa arrived! She was over the moon and had to hang out with them. Which is a good thing, because Daddy had been sucked into a poker game with the boys, and the blogger was talking to Maggie and Jenni about American Girl dolls.

Jenni and family departed the next morning for Colorado, and then home to Kansas, but I got one last cousin fix at a local Rancho park the next day with Lisa, Rob and Noah. Maya was mainly interested in running away from me, but she was also keen on Rob’s kite, and on snacks.