
I finally have my act together (well…) ! Here are some photos from our great trip to Rancho. We spent our first evening at my cousin Lisa’s house (a whole 10 minutes from Fatima’s house), where the cousins were gathered to BBQ. Maya finally got to meet her cousins Noah, Ben and Zach, and she got to see Maggie (her only girl cousin!) again. Lisa put up a swing on the back patio, and Maggie pushed Maya for a long time, which was honestly the cutest thing ever. Maya was in *heaven*. Zach is the cutest truck around, and he really prefers to be a naked baby, which Maya could relate to. Ben and Mustafa played Monopoly, and then a competitive baseball game that had some rules I couldn’t quite understand. Jenni staged the last photo, which Noah thought needed some sweeping, and Maya had to bring some snacks for.

I was reminded, as I always am, that I wish wish wish my cousins lived just around the corner!