Muir woods may have snakes

Maya insisted on walking/running through Muir Woods on Saturday, refusing most offers of assistance from all 7 people trying to help her. She’s really taking these sport sandals seriously. She only fell a few times, and sprung right back up. Of course, she had to be carrying snacks the entire time, and left quite a trail of cheddar goldfish crackers behind her. She’s just learned to hiss like a snake, and I think it feels good on her itchy little gums, because she was hissing constantly…that, or else she spotted snakes in the woods, a possibility that would NOT be pleasing to the blogger.

Mustafa also took everyone to the Muir Beach Overlook, and it was thoroughly fogged in. Maya and I stayed in the car to have some yogurt (it was her 5pm dinnertime). Also, Maya is too tiny to be so close to the edge of a cliff.