Maya does funny stuff

Maya is an extra-cute piece of plump candy, but honestly, the best part of her is that she is hilarious, and finds herself hilarious.

After she has an super refreshing gulp from her sippy cup, she exhales loudly, “AAAH”–I guess because sometimes we do that, like, wow, what a REFRESHING DRINK! She’s also become quite the basketball player, and knows how to play a pretty good defense to Mustafa’s great toddler basketball skills (she can also dunk), but she sometimes misses a key rebound because she applauds for herself and for Mustafa after every success. She’s learning how to color with sidewalk chalk, but only likes to do it barefoot so she can walk on her art more effectively. She also knows what noises dogs make (“WOOF!”) but wants you to know that cats say “CAAA!” (the word for cat). And she is a big kid when she wants to walk up and down stairs, sometimes on tiptoes, but tiny when she is hiding behind things to trick you (giggling the whole time).