Maya likes to play

I can’t believe it is Friday, and I’m just now getting around to posting photos from last weekend. Maya had a great time playing at her new friend Rowan’s house while the grown ups ate an awesome brunch. We just went outside with Maya, and she started kicking the ball around–like she knew exactly what it was for! Quite the athlete.

Maya *also* got to go to her friend Emma’s 4th birthday party on Sunday, where she tasted some gourmet cheese AND cake. She got to play with the big kids, and Emma let her take a balloon home. Combined with the always-exciting Sunday swim class (where she earned a sticker for kicking on her own!), it was quite a fun-packed weekend for such a tiny person.

Today Maya and I are trying out a Gymboree class for the first time, which I have been looking forward to all week (hey–life is kind of small here in suburban lawyer land). Mr. Optimism (Mustafa) thinks it is a scam, but I’m excited to learn some games and songs to play/sing with Maya.