At the zoo!

I managed to rally the slightly lazy masses, and we took Maya to the Oakland zoo on Saturday, and it was a blast. We started at the petting zoo, which she was a little weirded out by–perhaps not the best plan because she has no reading material that covers sheep and goats. Next, the reptile house (*without mommy*). After that, the rabbits were and odds-on favorite, and were labelled “boofs” because they were exceedingly plump and very active.

Maya could not believe it when gramma and grandpa appeared about 30 minutes into the visit, and right near the giraffes (featured in many books), no less! Gramma helped her do a little walking near the popular zebra exhibit, and also helped her eat some string cheese near the elephants.

All of these animal introductions were exhausting (especially for mommy, who carried Maya around for much of zoo time, which is of course not pictured here). So Abbu gave her an exciting shoulder ride, and she took a little rest at the end. A tired little puppy.

Maya seriously rallied afterward while we ate at Fenton’s in Oakland, featured in the movie “Up”. I used to eat there when I was little, and my mom grew up going there as well. Maya ordered off the menu for the first time ever (grilled cheese and fruit) and found the whole experience delightful.