Good thoughts for our Lola

We’re having some bad luck here at house-of-Jamil (that’s the reason for the slow blogging). The three humans all have colds (Maya and I are almost well, Mustafa is both still sick, and still a poor sport about being sick). But most worrisome is our Lola, who has recently diagnosed hip arthritis. The painkillers have caused her to stop eating (including all tasty human food), and now to stop drinking, and she’s in terrible shape. We’ve been at the vet/on the phone with the vet constantly. All of sudden–our 7 year old lab went from springy park dog to sickly.

So good thoughts that our Lola can pull through this. Maya is being extra sweet to her, even with a snotty nose and a newly-emerging tooth. Not the first Christmas I was looking forward to for our family, really.