Pictures from Maya's week (so far)

Valorie just sent me some photos from Maya’s week at her favorite place (that would be Valorie’s house). I love the picture of almost-naked Maya hanging in the Boppy–so plump! Maya also go to go on her first big-little-girl stroller ride with best pal Lucas, and she loved it! (Usually her stroller is a car-seat-snap-in kind, so it is much more cumbersome, and definitely not built for a buddy).

Most excitingly, we discovered that Maya also enjoys a making a personal phone call now and then. I mean, people everywhere are interested in wa-goos and the latest in pacifier and gummy updates, right? Of course.

P.S. So, the present Valorie and Maya made me (referred to yesterday) was her handprint in pink plaster. I loved it. There’s no picture because I made the unreasonable mistake of leaving it on the kitchen table–in the middle of the kitchen table–and while I was out taking Maya to Valorie’s this morning, Lola grabbed it and chewed it up, leaving only half a handprint next to a chewed up pile of pink mush. Mustafa and I will make a new handprint this weekend and post a picture. Lola had a stomach ache as punishment.