Gammy's 90th Birthday Celebration!

I’m the slacking blogger, aren’t I? Well, here are some pictures from our Santa Barbara adventure about 10 days ago. My Gammy turns 90 in a few days, and wow, do I hope I have her genes! She is one together lady, still fashionable and totally with it…her big concern these days is still how to get to Nordstrom for a regular shopping session! We had a lovely brunch in Montecito, and of course my mom hogged Maya the whole time. Maya was full of charm until my food hit the table–then meltdown. Luckily the weather was nice, so we looked at the trees outside (Maya loves trees). Gammy loved Maya, and we agreed that when Maya starts talking, she will also be Maya’s Gammy.

We did learn on the way home that short road trips with Maya are only successful if Maggie and Jenni are in the car. Imagine fingers on the blackboard with the volume turned all the way up, with a heaping dose of mommy guilt, and you’re getting the picture.