A Recent Mom on Recent Events

I have to say, abortion really isn’t my favorite political issue.  I don’t like how it hijacks judicial nomination battles.  I don’t like how it has played my Democratic party for a fool, in many ways. But I’m pro-choice because this here is my body, so why don’t you assume I’m able to make the best decisions about it, OK?  I am really, really upset about the murder of Dr. George Tiller yesterday as he went to church.  Here’s the deal–he performed abortions, some of them in the second trimester.  Women don’t get late-term abortions because they forgot to get them earlier; they get them in the vast majority of cases because the high-def ultrasound to detect spina bifeda and anencephaly isn’t done until the second trimester.  I know this because it freaked me out with our pregnancy–we had a higher risk for some of the defects that are only detected in that early second-term ultrasound.  We held our breath, and if we’d been religious, we would have prayed. For us, the scan was clear.  Not everyone is so lucky, and this article made me see (and feel) the other reality.  I am so thankful, for Maya, and for that writer, that she had an option that made sense for her family.

Everyone should denounce this horrendous terrorism.  Man, do I hope that they hang a conspiracy charge on those psychos at Operation Rescue (who, until today, had a link on their website called “Tiller Watch”).