Jenni, here's another graph!

Maya had just about the same amount of milk in her fifth week as her fourth (only a 2% increase). That’s still 10% off from her third week, where it seemed she just wouldn’t stop demanding to be fed.

I’m delighted to report that my diligent record-keeping of how much Maya is fed and the relative mix of natural vs. synthetic milk has paid off! The pediatrician, in Maya’s one-month checkup, asked how much milk Maya was consuming on average per day, and I was nonchalantly able to answer. She even asked how much formula Maya was drinking per day (apparently, babies are supposed to get vitamin supplements if they’re drinking less than seventeen ounces of formula daily), and I was definitively able to answer that too! I felt superior, for sure. Rebecca hasn’t yet admitted how crestfallen she is about my PRECISION being vindicated, and so continues to mock it incessantly. Sour grapes; that’s what I’m saying.

I’m in the home office right now (which Rebecca calls the “annex”), having just finished a long work day. Lola and Maya are asleep on the bed. Maya is snoring softly, and Lola is just snoring. Rebecca is taking a much-deserved nap in our room (let’s just say Maya decided she wanted to spend quality time with Mommy for many of the pre-dawn hours). It’s quiet time in the Jamil house.