Maya's late-night milk truck

I am the late-night Maya milk truck. These feedings happen between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m., when I am summoned by increasingly loud fussing over the baby monitor. I jump to my feet, scramble to find my slippers and glasses, and run to her room before she wakes up Mustafa. I try to see the positive in this sleep deprivation (mine alone until maternity leave ends), which is special time with my girl.

Here, we have a satisfied Maya, grasping her tummy after a long early morning feeding (achieving my goal of total knockout by food).

Here we have another shot of a satisfied customer after a meal. Also, a shot of early-morning Rebecca.

Although not taken late at night (and appearing elsewhere on this blog), this is what I do it for–my all-time favorite Maya face. She usually makes it when she’s done eating and before she goes to sleep. She likes to look around and see what’s going on, and I usually make up some strange funny songs to entertain her. She’ll tire of that soon enough, so I’m taking advantage of my opportunity while she’s a captive audience.