A day in the life of Maya

Maya wakes us up between 3 and 4 a.m. with little chirps (we call her our little bird) that quickly turn into full scale crying. We have been rotating who handles these diaper changing/feeding shifts while Mustafa was on paternity leave, but for the next few months, they will be Rebecca’s chance to bond with Maya.

Eating is Maya’s favorite activity. For the first several days of life, Maya wasn’t getting enough food from mommy (insert massive feelings of guilt), and once we learned this and started her on a supplemental bottle, she’s been eating like a champ. She eats 10-12 times a day, with longer breaks at night. She loves food.

After eating, Maya likes to cut loose with a huge BURP. Since her little neck muscles aren’t that strong yet, we hold her head up, and sometimes she sucks on our hand.

Not pictured: the diaper change that happens before or after each feeding (or both). That is inappropriate for a family website.

And after her big meal and burping…sleep. Lots of sleep. Maya loves to sleep in our arms, especially while being rocked in the glider rocking chair. She has learned to sleep in the bassinet in our room, and also likes the pack-and-play in the living room, as long as her Boppy pillow holds her up.

When she wakes up, it is with chirping noises, eyes wide open, leading to a big cry (see above). And the process starts anew.

We wouldn’t have it any other way!