Already more like Dad?

Well, Maya certainly doesn’t take after my compulsion to be punctual–I was born on my due date and have been on time ever since. SIGH. She’s already seeming more like Mustafa, who operates on what we jokingly refer to as Pakistani Standard Time–as in, late everywhere.

As of 11:20 p.m. today, her due date, nothing exciting to report. Now we’ll wait and see if she’ll be born on the 30th (like me), or on the 2nd (like many in our family), or–most dreaded by Mustafa–born on Superbowl Sunday (the 1st). For those not in the know, the Superbowl is the championship game for professional football here in the U.S., and men gather to eat, drink, and yell loudly at the television while watching. It is quite an event, even if you don’t care what teams are playing (as Mustafa really doesn’t this year).

More to come…