Maya will be an Obama baby...but not yet.

Today (my first official day of maternity leave!) was an inspiring, great day. Mustafa and I woke up and watched the morning festivities together, and were moved by Obama’s speech. I watched the parade and events for the better part of the day. We also enjoyed the concert from Lincoln Center on Sunday–I especially loved Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen singing “This Land Is Your Land” together with the huge crowd. Pete Seeger is one of my favorite figures of the civil rights movement and he looked thrilled and youthful for 89 years old.

Still nothing to report on the baby front. Maya continues dancing around in my increasingly tight belly. Luckily (?) my intense hunger is back, which means my nausea is gone, hopefully for good. I’m doing anything and everything to get this show on the road–lots of walking with the dog (who is happy) and spicy food, to name a few. We’re 39 weeks tomorrow; Mustafa is convinced the sky will fall if the doctor induces me, but I can’t seem to find his medical degree around this place, and I know that he hasn’t been pregnant for the better part of a year… I think he just appreciates Maya might be more like him (always late) than like me (obsessively on time) and doesn’t want to cramp her personal style.

Pictures to come soon…